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OIL LPG/CM/EN 1762:1997/D



EN 1762:1997.


steel cord hose suitable for the delivery of liquefied petroleum gas, LPG (liquid or gas) and natural gas.

Temperature: from -30°C (-22°F) to +100°C (+212°F).

Branding: continuous yellow brand “IVG - EN 1762:1997 - Type D - I.D....W.P...bar - M - quarter and year of production”.

Electrical resistance

electrical resistance below 1x102 Ω on service length assured through the connection between the steel wires and fitted couplings (type M).


Tube: extruded, black, smooth, synthetic rubber.

Reinforcement: plies of steel wire cord.

Cover: black, smooth (wrapped finish), synthetic rubber, weathering and ozone resistant. Pin pricked cover to allow gas permeation.